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100 author visits to libraries with funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture

The Finnish Reading Center organises 100 author visits to libraries with funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture

The Ministry of Education and Culture has allocated €100 000 to the Finnish Reading Center to organise author visits to public libraries. The funds will be used to organise around 100 author visits during the spring and autumn of 2025.

Libraries that have not been visited by writers in recent years are given priority in the selection of libraries. Authors’ library visits are aimed at both adults and children. The author visit tour also includes events in Swedish and for immigrants.

“Author visits increase job opportunities for authors, and at the same time inspire people to take up reading as a hobby,” says Minister of Science and Culture Sari Multala.

According to Emmi Jäkkö, Director of the Finnish Reading Center, author visits are a great way of bringing together literary authors and their readers. Author visits have also been shown to increase interest in books. “Meeting an author is an experience and the author is an important role model for reading and writing,” says Emmi Jäkkö.

The Finnish Reading Center is the only organization in Finland to systematically promote reading through author visits. Author visits are a valuable support to the livelihoods of the 1000 literature professionals that can be found in the Finnish Reading Center’s Author Visit Service. The Author Visit Service receives around 2000 bookings a year. Authors commissioned through the service visit for example schools, libraries, cultural events and book fairs.

Read more about the Author Visit Service.