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Reading Week reached a record-breaking audience

Reading Week reached a record-breaking audience

Reading Week is an annual nationwide literacy theme week.

Throughout the year, we encourage people of all ages to grab a book for themselves and find the drama, emotion, knowledge, and wisdom that can be found in reading. It is then during Reading Week, in April, that reading and literacy are celebrated for the wondrous phenomena that they are. Reading Week highlights the importance of reading and literacy on a broad spectrum in society and for the individual. During Reading Week, the Finnish Reading Center, together with many others, publish current information about literacy, offer perspectives on literature and reading, and naturally – individuals themselves inspire each other to read more.

The literacy theme week was last celebrated 4.-10.4.2022, and this year, we witnessed a record-breaking number of 3,5 million Finns reached about the joy of reading. The highly applicable theme of Reading Makes A Better World can be seen as a driving force for this year’s exceptional success. Multiple organisations, individual politicians and other public figures partook in promoting literacy and reading, and we owe our thanks to all our cooperative partners. It is through engaged and enthusiastic people that literacy can be maintained and strengthened as a civic skill, as promoting reading always takes place on a wide front.

It is thus with excitement that we move towards Reading Week 2023, which will be held 17.-23.4.2023. Reading Week has been celebrated for more than 40 years, with the tradition beginning on Reading Sunday in 1977, and the actual Reading Week being celebrated since 1997. The Finnish Reading Center actively promotes Reading Week and other literacy enhancing programs – for a quick overview on the urgency for literacy promotion, the Reading Center published during the Reading Week 10 Facts About Global Literacy.

Are you interested in knowing more about Reading Week and how you can participate through Reading Week’s materials, social media discussions, and other events, affairs, and author visits? Please contact Producer Jonatan Kunnas at jonatan.kunnas(a)