Finnish literacy work on display in Brussels
The European-wide network of EURead will meet in Brussels 7.-8.6. The Finnish Reading Center will as a member of the network present in Brussels its work in promoting literacy and reading, such as the book gift giving program Read Aloud and the Multilingual Literacy Development Project. The theme of the General Assembly this year is early reading and supporting family reading.
The EURead network is made up of organizations from more than 20 countries that, like the Finnish Reading Center, operate in the NGO sector and promote reading and literacy. The common goal of the members of the EURead network is to make an impact on an EU level to promote literacy across Europe. The European Parliament will be attended this year by Vice-President Katarina Barley, and the Commissioner for Education and Culture Mariya Gabriel.
The purpose of the EURead network is to act as a platform for information sharing so that influential policies and research data can be used as effectively as possible by different countries and organizations. The network also has joint advocacy campaigns and cooperates within educational work.
– The Finnish Reading Center has been active in international networks for many years. We have gained valuable information about the effectiveness of literacy work that we have been able to apply in our own project work. Finland is still considered an international model country for literacy, and that is why our literacy work is of particular interest to European literacy actors, says Director of the Finnish Reading Center Ilmi Villacis.
The Finnish Reading Center participants at the EURead network’s general assembly in Brussels are Director Ilmi Villacis, and Development and Communications Manager Emmi Jäkkö.